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Dr. Austin O. Williams Sr.

The Ferdinand Family Reunion Scholarship is the brainchild of Dr. Austin O. Willams Sr., and was first inaugurated during the St. Thomas 2009 family reunion.  It is primarily financed by the reunion fund generated by dues, fundraisers and private donations.  The objective of the scholarship fund is to financially assist family members pursuing the completion of their colligate degrees at various institutions throughout different cities, states and countries.  The scholarship is not limited to any specific field or career objective and may be used to pursue any academic discipline.



The financing received by awardees may be used to aid in the cost of tuition, fees, books, room and board, computers, and other college-related expenses.  As a family we are all very proud of each and every person aspiring to achieve their higher education goals and we all stand committed to help, encourage and support everyone on their journey to graduation day.

2023 Ferdinand Family Scholorship Recepients 

Presented by:  Dr. Austin O. Williams Sr.

Jamal Bouaichi

Major:  Computer Science

Aiden E. Dubois

Major:  Sports Medicine

Deyonna Ferdinand

Major:  Business Administration

Maliyah George

Major:  Psychology

She'L'Angel LaPlace

Major:  Nursing (LPN)

Kenie'Arah Mactavious

Major:  Computer Science

Allison Williams

Major:  Nursing (RN)

Deijah Williams

Major:  Biology

J'del Williams

Major:  Nursing (RN)

J'Nymai Boyd

Major:  Information Engineering

Alton A. Dubois

Major:  Architectural Engineering

Emily George

Major:  Psycology & Business

Makayla George

Major:  Biology

Melanie Liburd

Major:  Fine Arts Screen Acting

Kayla A. Pennyfeather

Major:  Sonography

Austin O. Williams Jr.

Major:  Computer Engineering

Giltrice G. Williams

Major:  Obstetrician / Gynecology

Geniqua Williams

Major:  Nursing (RN)

Owen C. Dewar Jr. Memorial Scholarship


Miss. Rikkal White

Major:  Computer Science

Institution:  Unversity of Texas Arlington

Presented By:

Mr. Owen "Andy" Dewar Sr.

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